Kickoff Meeting

BlueDivet – Blue Economy Digitalization Skills for VET Students  of the EU held its first session on Wednesday, May 11, 2022. The program got off to a promising start with an inaugural meeting in Seville.

🌍 According to the European Commission, Europe’s coasts and seas have the potential to generate employment and sustainable growth in the coming years and contribute to the objectives of the Green Deal.

🎯 The way to achieve this is by investing in new blue skills and career advancement. One of the keys to this blue development is digitization: intelligent sensorization and monitoring, artificial intelligence and big data analysis, all based on three main skills: electronics, communication and programming.

✅ This project will design an online specialization course focused on students from vocational training centers. It will provide them with the necessary knowledge to increase their chances of working in the blue economy sector. They will learn how the skills acquired during their education can be put into practice within a particular environment such as the ocean, the special requirements shipping companies have, and also understand what the sustainable blue growth initiative is all about. Finally, they will be introduced to the opportunities available in the blue entrepreneurship sector.

👥 The specific objectives of this project are:

  • Carry out in-depth research and analysis at a European level of the demands and needs of the labor market to detect the requirements of these companies related to the digitization of their companies.
  • Design and development of a complete online VET curriculum, through pilot training designed for both students and trainers.
  • Launch a professional mentoring program for students interested in entrepreneurship initiatives, as well as provide guidelines on how to choose a mentor.
  • Design and launch a collaborative online platform where alumni can easily connect with companies that require these skills as well as other potential stakeholders.


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