BZF was organised by the Cadiz Free Trade Zone last month, with the collaboration of various institutions and companies and co-financing from the European ERDF funds.
The main objectives of the BZF were to raise awareness of the Blue Economy and the improvement of the sector through technological innovation; to promote and encourage entrepreneurship, mainly among young talent; and to support the business fabric.
María Jesús Montero, Vice-President of the Spanish Government and Minister of Finance, congratulated the Institution for organising the Blue Zone Forum and congratulated the attendees for being able to participate in a forum of this level and characteristics.
As could not be otherwise, #Gunter Pauli, father of the Blue Economy was in charge of the first of the conferences and in it he praised the work of the incubator “Incubazul”, stating that “it can serve to change the environment and the future”. Pauli pointed out that the engine of the economy is the capacity to generate added value and stressed that “entrepreneurs are needed to put good ideas into practice”.
With more than 600 attendees, sectoral talks – Maritime Transport, Renewable Energies, Primary Sector and Coastal Tourism – given by experts and various workshops, the Forum brought together entrepreneurs, companies, institutions, experts and speakers and positioned Cadiz as a benchmark for the Blue Economy and a centre for reflection on the transition towards a more sustainable socio-economic model based on the blue sector.